[dns-operations] Survey of How to Solving DNS Errors

Peter Thomassen peter at desec.io
Thu Aug 15 10:37:58 UTC 2024


On 8/15/24 11:25, Ralf Weber wrote:
> I’m not sure what data you want to get out of that research, but IMHO it is
> upfront missing a definition of what a resolution error is.

Question 4 ("What types of DNS resolution errors have you encountered most frequently?") has NXDOMAIN as one option, which implies that NXDOMAIN counts as a resolution error.

But of course, it's not a resolution error, but a valid outcome of a successful resolution.

Before reaching this question, I had selected "rarely" for question 3 ("How often does your organization encounter DNS resolution errors?").

With the knowledge from question 4, the only valid answer for question 3 however seems "daily", or even "all the time" (which is not an answer option).

Including NXDOMAIN as a resolution error will lead to biased results. For example, many people may select seeing this "daily", which may lead to a publication saying that "DNS resolution errors happen all the time", which is vastly inaccurate.

So, unfortunately, I aborted the survey at this point, as it is not well-defined, and I did not want to increase sample size in this case.



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