[dns-operations] Aging 1024-bit ZSKs at TLDs...

Viktor Dukhovni ietf-dane at dukhovni.org
Mon Nov 19 20:10:07 UTC 2018

[ TL;DR:  More TLDs could perhaps do a better job of timely rotation
  of 1024-bit RSA ZSKs, and prompt removal of inactive keys.  Given
  successful migrations to ECDSA P-256 at .CZ and .BR, another option
  may be to migrate away from RSA.  Many of the gTLDs listed below
  are little-used "brand-name" TLDs, so perhaps security is not a
  real concern. ]

DNSSEC gets a mostly undeserved bad name in some circles, for still
using 1024-bit RSA keys, while the X.509 WebPKI has largely upgraded
to 2048-bit RSA.  While almost all TLDs with just 6 exceptions:

     TLD   | flags | alg | bits
     ----- +-------+-----+-----
     kg    |   257 |   5 | 1024
     bom   |   257 |   8 | 1280
     final |   257 |   8 | 1280
     globo |   257 |   8 | 1280
     rio   |   257 |   8 | 1280
     uol   |   257 |   8 | 1280

have 2048-bit KSKs, and I would not expect successful brute-force
attacks on 1280-bit RSA keys even by well-funded adversaries, the
ZSK picture is a less rosy.  In principle, 1024-bit ZSKs can be
reasonably safe if rotated sufficiently often, since brute-forcing
1024-bit RSA, even if possible, is likely neither quick nor cheap.

But once the same 1024-bit key is in place for a long time (a year
or more, or even indefinitely), then it is perhaps a realistic
target for well-funded brute-force attacks.

To that end, I've compiled a list of 210 TLDs at least one of whose
1024-bit RSA ZSKs has been in place (perhaps already inactive, but
still included in the DNSKEY RRset) for more than a year.  I
spot-checked a few, which shows that at least some are presently
in the process of rolling over to new ZSKs, but many are not, or
keep inactive ZSKs around for a long time.  Below the ZSK "age" is
in days since first observed and stored in the DANE survey database:
[ I only started storing DNSKEYs 395 days ago, so "395" is just a
  lower bound, the keys in question could be significantly older ]

  ccTLD               alg bits age    comments
  -----               --- ---- ---    --------
    ie                  8 1024 389 -- New ZSK 21-days old, not active yet
                                   -- Currently active ZSK is 204 days old
                                   -- Inactive ZSK is 389 days old
    ca                  8 1024 395 -- New ZSK, ~2 days old, not active yet
    za                  8 1024 395 -- Active ZSK 162 days old, and 4 inactive ZSKs
    my                  8 1024 395 -- Active ZSK 137 days old, 2 inactive ZSKs.
    pr                  5 1024 395 -- Active ZSK 338 days old, 1 inactive ZSK
    fi                  8 1024 395 -- No new keys yet
    gr                  7 1024 395 -- No new keys yet
    io                  8 1024 395 -- No new keys yet
    sh                  8 1024 395 -- No new keys yet
    uk                  8 1024 395 -- No new keys yet
    ac                  8 1024 395
    ax                  8 1024 395
    az                  8 1024 395
    bg                  5 1024 395
    bw                  8 1024 395
    by                  7 1024 395
    ee                  8 1024 395
    fo                  8 1024 395
    hr                  8 1024 395
    kg                  5 1024 395
    lk                  5 1024 395
    mm                  8 1024 395
    na                  5 1024 395
    sx                  7 1024 395
    vu                 10 1024 395
    ws                  8 1024 395

   gTLD               alg bits age    comments
   ----               --- ---- ---    --------
    nyc                 8 1024 395 -- Active ZSK 1280 bits, ~2 years old.
                                   -- Two 1024-bit inactive ZSKs,
                                   -- The newest inactive ZSK is ~2 years old,
                                   -- the oldest inactive ZSK is ~4 years old.
    aaa                 8 1024 395 -- No new keys yet
    able                8 1024 395 -- No new keys yet
    aws                 8 1024 395 -- No new keys yet
    moe                 8 1024 395 -- No new keys yet
    secure              8 1024 395 -- No new keys yet
    tel                 8 1024 395 -- No new keys yet
    accountant          8 1024 395
    americanexpress     8 1024 395
    amex                8 1024 395
    analytics           8 1024 395
    athleta             8 1024 395
    audible             8 1024 395
    author              8 1024 395
    baby                8 1024 395
    banamex             8 1024 395
    bananarepublic      8 1024 395
    baseball            8 1024 395
    best                8 1024 395
    bible               8 1024 395
    bid                 8 1024 395
    book                8 1024 395
    booking             8 1024 395
    bot                 8 1024 395
    buzz                8 1024 395
    call                8 1024 395
    capetown            8 1024 395
    cartier             8 1024 395
    cbn                 8 1024 395
    ceo                 8 1024 395
    chase               8 1024 395
    chintai             8 1024 395
    circle              8 1024 395
    cisco               8 1024 395
    citadel             8 1024 395
    citi                8 1024 395
    coupon              8 1024 395
    cricket             8 1024 395
    date                8 1024 395
    deal                8 1024 395
    dealer              8 1024 395
    dell                8 1024 395
    deloitte            7 1024 395
    discover            8 1024 395
    download            8 1024 395
    duns                8 1024 395
    dupont              8 1024 395
    durban              8 1024 395
    earth               8 1024 395
    faith               8 1024 395
    farmers             8 1024 395
    fast                8 1024 395
    ferrero             8 1024 395
    fire                8 1024 395
    flickr              8 1024 395
    ford                8 1024 395
    fox                 8 1024 395
    free                8 1024 395
    frl                 7 1024 395
    ftr                 8 1024 395
    gap                 8 1024 395
    gent                7 1024 395
    got                 8 1024 395
    grainger            8 1024 395
    gucci               8 1024 395
    health              8 1024 395
    homegoods           8 1024 395
    homesense           8 1024 395
    honeywell           8 1024 395
    hot                 8 1024 395
    hotels              8 1024 395
    hsbc                8 1024 395
    hyatt               8 1024 395
    ieee                8 1024 395
    imdb                8 1024 395
    intel               8 1024 395
    intuit              8 1024 395
    jmp                 8 1024 395
    jnj                 8 1024 395
    joburg              8 1024 395
    jot                 8 1024 395
    joy                 8 1024 395
    jpmorgan            8 1024 395
    kinder              8 1024 395
    kindle              8 1024 395
    kiwi                8 1024 395
    kpmg                8 1024 395
    kpn                 7 1024 395
    kred                8 1024 395
    like                8 1024 395
    lilly               8 1024 395
    lincoln             8 1024 395
    loan                8 1024 395
    marshalls           8 1024 395
    mint                8 1024 395
    mlb                 8 1024 395
    moi                 8 1024 395
    mtr                 8 1024 395
    mutual              8 1024 395
    nfl                 8 1024 395
    now                 8 1024 395
    office              8 1024 395
    oldnavy             8 1024 395
    open                8 1024 395
    osaka               8 1024 395
    party               8 1024 395
    pay                 8 1024 395
    pharmacy            8 1024 395
    piaget              8 1024 395
    pin                 8 1024 395
    ping                8 1024 395
    praxi               8 1024 395
    prime               8 1024 395
    qpon                8 1024 395
    qvc                 8 1024 395
    racing              8 1024 395
    read                8 1024 395
    review              8 1024 395
    rocher              8 1024 395
    room                8 1024 395
    safe                8 1024 395
    safety              8 1024 395
    samsung             7 1024 395
    sas                 8 1024 395
    save                8 1024 395
    science             8 1024 395
    sfr                 7 1024 395
    silk                8 1024 395
    skype               8 1024 395
    smile               8 1024 395
    song                8 1024 395
    spot                8 1024 395
    statefarm           8 1024 395
    stream              8 1024 395
    swiftcover          8 1024 395
    taipei              8 1024 395
    talk                8 1024 395
    tdk                 8 1024 395
    teva                8 1024 395
    tjmaxx              8 1024 395
    tjx                 8 1024 395
    tkmaxx              8 1024 395
    trade               8 1024 395
    tube                8 1024 395
    tunes               8 1024 395
    tushu               8 1024 395
    uno                 8 1024 395
    vivo                8 1024 395
    vuelos              8 1024 395
    wanggou             8 1024 395
    watches             8 1024 395
    weather             8 1024 395
    weatherchannel      8 1024 395
    webcam              8 1024 395
    whoswho             8 1024 395
    wien                8 1024 395
    win                 8 1024 395
    winners             8 1024 395
    wow                 8 1024 395
    xn--1ck2e1b         8 1024 395
    xn--1qqw23a         8 1024 395
    xn--55qx5d          8 1024 395
    xn--bck1b9a5dre4c   8 1024 395
    xn--cck2b3b         8 1024 395
    xn--cg4bki          7 1024 395
    xn--eckvdtc9d       8 1024 395
    xn--fct429k         8 1024 395
    xn--g2xx48c         8 1024 395
    xn--gckr3f0f        8 1024 395
    xn--gk3at1e         8 1024 395
    xn--io0a7i          8 1024 395
    xn--jvr189m         8 1024 395
    xn--kpu716f         8 1024 395
    xn--l1acc           5 1024 395
    xn--pbt977c         8 1024 395
    xn--rovu88b         8 1024 395
    xn--wgbh1c          8 1024 395
    yahoo               8 1024 395
    yamaxun             8 1024 395
    yandex              8 1024 395
    you                 8 1024 395
    zappos              8 1024 395
    zero                8 1024 395
    zippo               8 1024 395


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