[dns-operations] Adding CNAME for the root domain issue

Daniel Kalchev daniel at digsys.bg
Wed May 4 15:16:33 UTC 2016

This is not an UI issue at all. It is actually an issue of bending under pressure. “users are always right” is an easy excuse, but never the best. Users do what is possible.

The SRV records essentially solve the same issue. But for SRV to be successful, the DNS protocol should be more strict.
If we would not allow for say, A records at the apex, then people would use SRV instead. Of course, it is too late to disallow A records at the apex — as everyone is convinced by now, that DNS is supposed to work that way.

I know, I know… it is appropriate to use EXAMPLE.COM <http://example.com/> as name server name, “because the glue is already there”….


> On 4.05.2016 г., at 17:39, John R Levine <johnl at taugh.com> wrote:
>> We would not have had this discussion, if people were happy to type www.example.com <http://www.example.com/> in their browser, instead of example.com <http://example.com/>.
>> If enough people were able to say NO, the world would be much better place...
> Blaming the users for poor UI design is an ancient tradition in the computer business, but it's never been very productive.
> We also would not have this problem if sometime during the past 20 years we made our applications use SRV records since it solves nearly all of the problems that people are trying to address with funky CNAMEs without putting different names in the UI.
> Regards,
> John Levine, johnl at taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
> Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.

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