[dns-operations] IDNs

ebw at abenaki.wabanaki.net ebw at abenaki.wabanaki.net
Mon Sep 19 11:08:32 UTC 2011

I think it is fair to say that the issue of font availability was not
one of the design constraints of the circa 2001-2004 IDN WG, which
adopted "in applications" and a single external source of encodings,
as architectural choices. Nor was the issue a design constraint of the
follow-on IDNA WG.

I think it is also fair to say that the issue of font availability was not
one of the policy constrants for the policy actors which initiated the
process to which both Kim and Lyman refer.

So in general, absent local policy, text labels composed of code points
for which no means of representation exists may exist. A situation for
which Kim and Lymon each offer distinct application specific work-arounds,
the first additional data embedded in HTTP responses, the second additional
data embedded in PDF encoded text.


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