[dns-operations] Reporting glue as authoritive data -- Bug!

Joe Abley jabley at ca.afilias.info
Fri Feb 1 15:39:28 UTC 2008

On 1-Feb-2008, at 06:06, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

> It is only for NUS paying customers, I presume? As a registrant of a
> ".org" domain, or as an ordinary user who wants to resolve names in
> ".org", can I use this channel? (That's a real question, not made to
> embarass someone: who are the customers?)

If you're a registrant of a .org domain, you should obtain support  
from your registrar. (This is also the case for most/all gTLDs, as far  
as I know). In the .ORG case, the registrar should escalate to the  
provider of technical registry services for .org (which is Afilias) as  
necessary. If you have a problem with your registrar, you should talk  
to the TLD manager, which is Public Interest Registry (<http://www.pir.org 

For technical issues relating to the DNS and .ORG (regardless of  
whether the nameserver in question is operated by NUS or someone else)  
you can always use the address in the SOA RDATA, which will open a  
ticket with people who can do something.

[calamari:~]% dig org soa +short
a0.org.afilias-nst.info. noc.afilias-nst.info. 2008025540 1800 900  
604800 86400

As to "who are the customers?":

  - PIR is the manger of .ORG
  - Afilias is a supplier of registry operations and nameservice to PIR
  - Ultra is a supplier of nameservice to Afilias, for two of ORG's  
  - All .ORG registrars are customers of Afilias
  - all .ORG registrants are customers of registrars


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