[dsc] dsc-datatool v1.0.0 pre-release!

Jerry Lundström jerry at dns-oarc.net
Thu Apr 23 11:56:14 UTC 2020

Hi all,

I am happy to announce that, thanks to funded development by EURid,
dsc-datatool v1.0.0 is now available for testing!

This new major version is a complete rewrite of the tool, going from
Perl to Python, which have made dependency management a lot easier and
have made major updates to some of the plugins (more on that below).

You can find the pre-release packages in our pre-release channels:

Debian - <https://dev.dns-oarc.net/packages/#debian>
Ubuntu - <https://launchpad.net/~dns-oarc/+archive/ubuntu/dsc-pr>
EPEL/Fedora - <https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/dnsoarc/dsc-pr/>
SLE/openSUSE -

And man-pages exists for dsc-datatool and all plugins:

  man dsc-datatool
  man dsc-datatool-generator client_subnet_country
  man dsc-datatool-generator client_subnet_authority
  man dsc-datatool-transformer labler
  man dsc-datatool-transformer netremap
  man dsc-datatool-transformer reranger
  man dsc-datatool-output influxdb

generator: client_subnet_country

This generator now uses Maxmind databases to look up country based on
subnets.  It is recommended to install `geoipupdate` and register for
the free Geo2Lite databases at:
<https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/>.  See man-page for
options and more information.

generator: client_subnet_authority

This generator now uses IANA's CSV data to look up the network authority
based on subnets.  It can fetch these files directly from IANA or use
local files, see man-page for options and more information.

transformer: labler

The previous Labler used a YAML data that was created by a contrib
script.  This contrib script have also been rewritten to Python (see
`contrib` directory in source repository) and the YAML structure is the
same so you can reuse the old YAML file.  It is recommended that you
update this file from time to time as new DNS types gets defined.

Replacing dsc-datatool v0.05

As many of you are probably running dsc-datatool as mentioned in the
wiki then once the new version is installed and Maxmind databases are
set up, here is the new shell part to run:

  dsc-datatool \
   --server "$SERVER" \
   --node "$NODE" \
   --output ";InfluxDB;file=influx.txt;dml=1;database=dsc" \
   --transform ";Labler;*;yaml=$HOME/labler.yaml" \
   --transform ";ReRanger;rcode_vs_replylen;range=/64;pad_to=5" \
   --transform ";ReRanger;qtype_vs_qnamelen;range=/16;pad_to=3" \
   --transform ";ReRanger;client_port_range;key=low;range=/2048;pad_to=5" \
   --transform ";ReRanger;priming_responses;key=low;range=/128;pad_to=4" \
   --generator client_subnet_country \
   --generator ";client_subnet_authority;fetch=yes" \
   --xml "$XML" &&
  influx -import -path=influx.txt

The wiki's (<https://github.com/DNS-OARC/dsc-datatool/wiki>) will be
updated the coming weeks with new instructions.

If you have any issues or bugs please report them either on GitHub, here
or email me directly.



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