[dsc] Need some help with initial setup

Jerry Lundström jerry at dns-oarc.net
Thu May 18 05:24:00 UTC 2017

Hi Chris,

On 05/16/17 19:58, Chris Moody wrote:
> I'm hitting a bit of a wall that I'm not yet able to debug sufficiently
> to proceed.  I've read the docs and have all the necessary perl modules
> installed, but receive the following error when I try to load the
> cgi/dsc-statistics/dsc-grapher CGI.
> =====
> /usr/lib/cgi-bin/dsc-statistics/dsc-grapher ERROR
> Text::Template failed for plot.page
> =====
> Can anyone please offer some insights into how to further debug what
> Text::Template is unhappy about.  Unfortunately Apache logs aren't
> indicating anything other than the page requests being received, so
> don't give me insight or other angles into what might not be happening
> with the CGI.

To try and debug this I think it would be good to know:
- What distribution and version are you using?
- What version of the collector (DSC)?
- What version of the presenter (DSP)?
- What steps have you done so far to set it up?

Feel free to email me directly if you do not want that information on
the mailing list. You can also create an issue at
https://github.com/DNS-OARC/dsp if that is more preferred.


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