[dsc] Release 2.0.0-rc.1

Jerry Lundström jerry at dns-oarc.net
Tue May 10 13:40:19 UTC 2016

Hi all,

On 05/10/16 12:32, Anand Buddhdev wrote:
> Thanks for this. I grabbed the tarball, and cooked up a spec file to
> build this into an RPM for our centos servers. The build fails on both
> centos 6 and 7. I've opened an issue in github, and attached build logs
> there for examination.

The issue was that the tarball from GitHub does not include the
submodules and pcap_layers [1] from Duane are now a submodule.

So for anyone that wants to compile from the tarball please use the
tarball from DNS-OARC:


If you wish to compile from the Git repository then clone it the normal
way and read README.md for instructions about dependencies, submodules
and Automake/Autoconf generation.


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