[dsc] Collector Customizations

Duane Wessels wessels at measurement-factory.com
Tue Aug 18 15:18:07 UTC 2009

On Tue, 18 Aug 2009, AJ McKee wrote:

> Hi Duane,
> Yes that works fine. As for the presenter, well I am taking the output and passing it through an XML transform for processing by
> another app (this is not to say the presenter is not great, it is, we have a slightly different use case happening here) .
> This works quite well. However I'd like to extend it further so its more multidimensional (clientip, qtype, qname, rcode etc) as
> otherwise my transform is too flaky as its trying to guess too much at times. I understand DSC logs in 2 dimensions so maybe I
> will have a look at this aspect and see it I can do anything.

Yes, its 2-dimensionalness is hard coded.  For example, in md_array.h you see:

struct _md_array {
     const char *name;
     filter_list *filter_list;
     struct {
         indexer_t *indexer;
         const char *type;
         int alloc_sz;
     } d1;
     struct {
         indexer_t *indexer;
         const char *type;
         int alloc_sz;
     } d2;
     dataset_opt opts;
     struct _md_array_node *array;

So to extend it, you might have to start there and add more indexing dimensions.


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