[dsc] No Data To Display at This Time

Hoan Le Hoan.Le at webex.com
Mon Sep 15 21:31:39 UTC 2008


I'm not able to see any graphs on my presenter server.  All I'm getting
is "No data to display at this time."



1.  I have the following dsc-grapher.conf file


server corp corp-dns1 corp-dns2 

trace_windows 1hour 4hour 1day 1week

accum_windows 1day 2days 3days 1week

embargo 0





domain_list all_tlds ac ad ae af ag ai al am an ao aq ar as at au aw az
ba bb bd be bf

domain_list all_tlds bg bh bi bj bm bn bo br bs bt bv bw by bz ca cc cd
cf cg ch ci ck

domain_list all_tlds cl cm cn co cr cu cv cx cy cz de dj dk dm do dz ec
ee eg eh er es

domain_list all_tlds et fi fj fk fm fo fr ga gd ge gf gg gh gi gl gm gn
gp gq gr gs gt

domain_list all_tlds gu gw gy hk hm hn hr ht hu id ie il im in io iq ir
is it je jm jo

domain_list all_tlds jp ke kg kh ki km kn kp kr kw ky kz la lb lc li lk
lr ls lt lu lv

domain_list all_tlds ly ma mc md mg mh mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu
mv mw mx my mz

domain_list all_tlds na nc ne nf ng ni nl no np nr nu nz om pa pe pf pg
ph pk pl pm pn

domain_list all_tlds pr ps pt pw py qa re ro ru rw sa sb sc sd se sg sh
si sj sk sl sm

domain_list all_tlds sn so sr st sv sy sz tc td tf tg th tj tk tm tn to
tp tr tt tv tw

domain_list all_tlds tz ua ug uk um us uy uz va vc ve vg vi vn vu wf ws
ye yt yu za zm

domain_list all_tlds zw aero biz com coop info museum name net org pro
gov edu mil int

domain_list all_tlds arpa asia paris eu .


valid_domains f-root all_tlds


2.  In my data/corp/corp-dns2 directory I have my *.xml data file


#ls -lF | more

total 154364

-rw-rw-r--  1 root root   23055 Sep 11 04:28 1221132480.dscdata.xml

-rw-rw-r--  1 root root   24026 Sep 11 04:29 1221132540.dscdata.xml

-rw-rw-r--  1 root root   24158 Sep 11 04:30 1221132600.dscdata.xml

-rw-rw-r--  1 root root   22881 Sep 11 04:31 1221132660.dscdata.xml

-rw-rw-r--  1 root root   22885 Sep 11 04:32 1221132720.dscdata.xml

-rw-rw-r--  1 root root   22766 Sep 11 04:33 1221132780.dscdata.xml


3.  I ran the following cronjob  


* * * * * /usr/bin/nice -10 /usr/local/dsc/libexec/refile-and-grok.sh


4.  There are no errors in the /var/log/httpd/error_log file.


Can someone let me know what might be the problem?




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