[dsc] debianizationof the dollector

Gavin Brown gavin.brown at centralnic.com
Wed Nov 12 09:05:49 UTC 2008

Hi Sascha,

> I need the collector, but not the presenter from dsc and would like to
> have a debian package to standardize on.  To that end, I've started the
> debainization of what I'm calling dsc-collector.  Since I'm not an
> experienced debian packager, I've appealed for help through the debian
> bug reporting system.  Here's a link to the work that I've done.
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=505405
> Does anyone have any experience that they can apply here?

We started to create RPM packages of DSC for our own use. You might find 
the .spec file we created useful. RPM lets you create multiple packages 
from a single source RPM, so you can compile once and get dsc-collector 
and dsc-presenter packages. Not sure of .debs can do that though.



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