[dns-operations] Strange things at C root name server

Elmar K. Bins elmi at 4ever.de
Tue May 21 20:38:47 UTC 2024

Re Stéphane,

bortzmeyer at nic.fr (Stephane Bortzmeyer) wrote:

> First, c.root-servers.net lags behind. It is at serial 2024051801
> while all other root name servers are at 2024052101.

the SOA part is discouraging, I'm sure their monitoring has picked that up, so
for some reason they might be unable to act.

> Second, c.root-servers.org (.org, the Web server) does not reply and
> its IP address is allocated to Orange Ivory Coast (which started to
> announce this prefix four days ago).

I can't find it allocated or assigned to Orange; I only see the /8 in
ARIN's records. Where did you see the allocation?

I would suspect this to be a typo in a config somewhere and have dropped an
email Orange's way (one of their contact emails already bounced, which
unfortunately just reinforces my bad experiences with their networking team.)

Perhaps somebody on the list can backchannel to C via private email.


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