[dns-operations] DNS Operations

Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming teo.en.ming at protonmail.com
Sun Mar 3 16:05:43 UTC 2024

Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

On Saturday, March 2nd, 2024 at 4:57 PM, Lee <ler762 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 2, 2024 at 1:53 AM Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming via
> dns-operations dns-operations at dns-oarc.net wrote:
> > As I checked with ChatGPT, it says ISC BIND DNS Server is the most popular DNS server software in the world.
> I'm guessing that "most popular" is what most home users use - which
> seems to be pi-hole
> If you want to define "most popular" as what the root servers use then
> maybe NSD:
> $ cat root-server-types
> #!/bin/bash
> # what software are the root servers running?
> grep -o . <<< "abcdefghijklm" | while read X ; do
> printf "%s\t" ${X}.root-servers.net.
> printf "%s\n" "$(dig -c ch -t txt version.bind
> @${X}.root-servers.net. +short)"
> done
> If you want to define "most popular" as DNS servers accessible on the
> Internet, I'd kind of like to know too. Maybe bind, maybe not.. I
> dunno.
> Regards,
> Lee

I define most popular as the largest number of DNS server installed throughout the whole world.


Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming
Targeted Individual in Singapore

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