[dns-operations] Namecheap fails to ingest existing DS on transfer in

Warren Kumari warren at kumari.net
Tue Jul 23 23:57:42 UTC 2024

On Mon, Jul 22 2024 at 11:10 AM, Jim Reid <jim at rfc1035.com> wrote:

> On 21 Jul 2024, at 18:24, John W. O'Brien via dns-operations <
> dns-operations at dns-oarc.net> wrote:
> I confirmed this with a domain under US and another one under COM. At
> least one other registrar, Porkbun, handles DNSSEC correctly when
> transferring a domain in. Namecheap support says that I am expected to set
> up DNSSEC afresh when transferring in and would not commit to implementing
> a fix/improvement.
> This does not appear to be a protocol matter that’s within the IETF’s
> remit. It’s not at all clear to me what you want the WG to so here

Erm, probably nothing — this was sent to dns-operations (oarc), not dnsop
I’m not sure if you perhaps missed that — I know it often trips me up….

- or why it’s needed.
> If a registrar is doing bad/stupid/inconvenient things, don’t give them
> your business.

Yup, but I’d also be surprised / dismayed if this happened to me. Does seem
like something to be aware of / NameCheap might want to address…


For bonus points, I suppose you could go to ICANN and agitate for a
> registrar contract change.
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