[dns-operations] Survey of How to Solving DNS Errors

Dave Lawrence tale at dd.org
Wed Aug 21 01:08:10 UTC 2024

Peter Thomassen writes:
> I still disagree with the characterization of NXDOMAIN as a
> resolution error. That's like characterizing a red street light as a
> driving error. 

Just got back from PTO so apologies for the lag.  I wanted to heartily
agree with this comment from Peter.  

While NXDomain might not be the result that either the client or the
server really wanted (eg, it could well be an error that the
authoritative server removed a name that should exist), it is a
mistake to call this a resolution error.  The serve stale RFC, 8767,
explicitly calls out that a resolver that gets NXDomain must consider
that resolution to have been successful and not use stale data like it
could in an error condition.

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