[dns-operations] OARC 35 Agenda published

Denesh Bhabuta :: DNS-OARC denesh at dns-oarc.net
Wed Apr 21 12:29:54 UTC 2021

Dear colleagues

The agenda for the OARC 35 (taking place in an Asia Pacific friendly timezone) is now published!

OARC 32 is now only 2 weeks away. It will take place on May 6th & 7th and will start at 01:00 UTC each day and end around 06:00 UTC on both days.

The Agenda / Schedule along with the summary of each talk  is published on the meeting website at:


Attending DNS-OARC Workshops is open to all OARC members and other parties interested in DNS operations and research.

Attending OARC 35 is on a paid registration basis. The non-member fee is US$150.

The active points of contact in the OARC member organizations have already received the code for discounted registration.

Registration fee waivers are available for the workshop to support those who are part of under-represented groups at DNS-OARC.

See the registration page on the main OARC 35 website for details.

OARC 35 Blog: <https://dnsoarc.medium.com/oarc-35-4101773689ec?source=friends_link&sk=867f1e24ee3401984aa0d9f5d8e2d83c>

OARC 35 website: <https://www.dns-oarc.net/oarc35>

Hope to see you there!


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