[dns-operations] question on query to DNS server's IPv6 interface

Tessa Plum tessa at plum.ovh
Tue Mar 31 12:53:09 UTC 2020

On 2020/3/31 8:38 下午, Ondřej Surý wrote:
> I know that there's a plethora of DNS RFC (the standards that define 
> DNS), but perhaps you can start by looking
> at the wonderful project that Bert Hubert started - teaching dns - 
> https://powerdns.org/hello-dns/tdns/intro.md.html

Thank you so much @Ondrej. I have taken a rough look at this page.
I got the requirement from my company to implement DNS over HTTPS.
Do you know if there is an opensource project already for that?
I looked at the code at Net::DNS in perl and got some basic concepts for 

And we have two actual issues in our company's auth nameservers.

#1 DNS packages can be hijacked by some ISPs, for example, it replaces 
www.domain.com to a wrong IP address.
#2 Our DNS servers were easy to get large DDOS attack, last time it got 
a 20Gbps traffic attack, that made our services offline for some hours.

So, how can we improve the architecture to resolve the issues?

Thank you everyone on the list for kind suggestions.


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