[dns-operations] creeping poorness of judgement

Paul Vixie paul at redbarn.org
Sat Mar 14 04:07:35 UTC 2020

SM wrote on 2020-03-13 20:52:

who are you? "SM" is not personal enough for my tastes.

> Hi Paul,
> ...
> That matches https://kb.isc.org/docs/aa-00356  The RFC referenced in 
> that article is RFC 4408 instead of RFC 7208.

the concatenation of <character-strings> on 255-octet boundaries has 
never been specified in a DNS RFC, and if the DKIM and SPF 
specifications require this, they are legislating from the bench.

> RFC 1035        Domain Implementation and Specification    November 1987
> <character-string> is expressed in one or two ways: as a contiguous set
> of characters without interior spaces, or as a string beginning with a "
> and ending with a ".  Inside a " delimited string any character can
> occur, except for a " itself, which must be quoted using \ (back slash).
> Because these files are text files several special encodings are
> necessary to allow arbitrary data to be loaded.  In particular:
> ...
> ( )             Parentheses are used to group data that crosses a line
>                 boundary.  In effect, line terminations are not
>                 recognized within parentheses.
> ...
> Mockapetris                                                    [Page 35]

i think this means i won't be using SPF or DKIM, nor exchanging e-mail 
with anyone who requires that i do so. piling kluge on kluge because the 
right person wasn't in the right room 15 years ago is no way to build a 
railroad i'm willing to ride on.

P Vixie

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