[Ext] [dns-operations] A? ftp://netgear.routerlogin.net/shares/.

Jeroen Massar jeroen at massar.ch
Thu Dec 10 17:43:00 UTC 2020

Maybe one thing we as recursive operators could in theory do is to detect https:// & http:// & ftp:// or just :// and NXDOMAIN those queries directly instead of asking the root for something that cannot work.

Is there any good reason not to? (Except maybe that in the future there might be a scheme where that is going to be used).


> On 20201210, at 18:37, Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman at icann.org> wrote:
> The root servers have for a long time seen a significant number of queries that contain URL schemes, among other messy things. From the names seen, this is not limited to Netgear.
> This does not mean that name server operators should not reach out to device manufacturers when we see widespread breakage. Device manufacturers tend to use a small number of codebases from a small number of OEMs for years at a time, so alerting them of problems will make the DNS work better for many people.
> --Paul Hoffman

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