[dns-operations] New OARC Chat Platform

Fred Morris m3047 at m3047.net
Tue Aug 25 16:31:01 UTC 2020

Clearly anything can be misunderstood, and I've been around technology 
long enough to know that technology choices are hardly rational all of the 

On Tue, 25 Aug 2020, Jim Reid wrote:
>> On 25 Aug 2020, at 03:30, Fred Morris <m3047 at m3047.net> wrote:
>> I think the question has to be: why would someone be joining this chat channel and who would they be?
> [...]
> There’s no justification for this outburst of shed-painting.

Know your customer. Really. This should be a basic tenet. I see mailing 
lists mentioned on the OARC homepage; I don't see chat. It's members-only. 
Ok, good, I learned something. Is it a selling point for OARC membership 
(it's listed in member benefits)? If it is, then keeping its charter, 
who's on it, and characterization of the kinds of conversations and 
problem solving it fosters and enables a secret from prospective members 
is a perfectly rational sales strategy (note the use of sarcasm).

> Quite simply, we should trust Matt and his colleagues to make sensible 
> decisions [...]

I do. But while there are plenty of "perfectly good" airplanes flying 
around there are probably zero without defects or flaws.

(This list is open to nonmembers. If the thread was intended for member 
discussion only then sorry, didn't see the classification stamp.)


Fred Morris

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