[dns-operations] Anyone on this list from Arbor Networks (or know a solid engineering contact)?

Roland Dobbins rdobbins at arbor.net
Tue Jun 19 07:05:12 UTC 2018

On 19 Jun 2018, at 12:35, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:

>  due to a misconfigured Arbor Networks firewall,

To clarify, Arbor Network doesn't produce firewalls, but rather 
intelligent DDoS mitigation systems, or IDMSes.

> in which DNS filters were enabled that drop queries for all but the 
> most common RR types.

I'm unaware of any feature in Arbor products which by default does 
what's being described; operators of our IDMSes do have the ability to 
filter packets, including DNS queries, but they're typically 

Please feel free to ping me directly so that we can understand the 
details better, and go from there.

Thanks for reaching out, and to Barry for cc'ing me directly!

Roland Dobbins <rdobbins at arbor.net>

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