[dns-operations] 2600::a1 (ns1-auth.sprintlink.net)

Jim Popovitch jimpop at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 19:49:10 UTC 2017

On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 2:32 PM, Jim Popovitch <jimpop at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 2:25 PM, David C Lawrence <tale at akamai.com> wrote:
>> Jim Popovitch writes:
>>> The issue is less about the norec, and more about the sprintlink NS
>>> servers (listed as the auth NS servers for ups.com) not returning RRs.
>> Apologies; I didn't understand from your original message that was
>> what you were trying to demonstrate.  Perhaps it was a transient
>> problem?  When I ask it is showing an answer with two MX RRs:
> No worries, I'm not always the clearest questioner.  ;-)
>> $ dig +noall +ans MX ups.com @ns1-auth.sprintlink.net
>> ups.com.                300     IN      MX      10 email-vip.ups.com.
>> ups.com.                300     IN      MX      10 email2-vip.ups.com.
> Hmmm,  I only get results from ns3, but not ns1 nor ns2.
> ~$ dig +noall +ans MX ups.com @ns1-auth.sprintlink.net
> ~$ dig +noall +ans MX ups.com @ns2-auth.sprintlink.net
> ~$ dig +noall +ans MX ups.com @ns3-auth.sprintlink.net
> 10 email-vip.ups.com.
> 10 email2-vip.ups.com.

Annnd to reply to myself...

These syslog errors (and some googling) indicate it may be a bind
specific issue.  (I'm using bind9 as a caching resolver)

Feb 16 19:39:27 svr5 named[15876]: DNS format error from 2600::a1#53
resolving ns1-auth.sprintlink.net/A: too many questions
Feb 16 19:39:27 svr5 named[15876]: DNS format error from 2600::a1#53
resolving ns1-auth.sprintlink.net/AAAA: too many questions
Feb 16 19:39:27 svr5 named[15876]: DNS format error from 2600::a1#53
resolving ns2-auth.sprintlink.net/AAAA: too many questions
Feb 16 19:39:27 svr5 named[15876]: DNS format error from 2600::a1#53
resolving ns2-auth.sprintlink.net/A: too many questions
Feb 16 19:39:58 svr5 named[15876]: DNS format error from 2600::a2#53
resolving ns3-auth.sprintlink.net/AAAA for client too
many questions
Feb 16 19:39:58 svr5 named[15876]: DNS format error from 2600::a2#53
resolving ns3-auth.sprintlink.net/A for client too
many questions

I wonder if the "too many questions" trips up something on the Sprint
side that blocks my queries.

I also wonder if I'm in over my head on this.  :-)

-Jim P.

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