[dns-operations] check if a domain has been registered via DNS

Anand Buddhdev anandb at ripe.net
Fri Apr 28 10:33:44 UTC 2017

On 28/04/2017 12:15, Peng Yonghua wrote:

Hello Peng,

> If the method returns false, it may or may not indicate domain has not
> been taken. For example, when input yahoo.uk, it returns false, but you
> can't register yahoo.uk at all, because uk's registry keeps it but
> doesn't delegate DNS to it.
> So using this tool for reference only, maybe as a fast filter before whois.
> please check:
> http://search.cpan.org/~pyh/Net-Domain-Registration-Check-0.03/lib/Net/Domain/Registration/Check.pm

I don't like the idea of having this as a public module in CPAN. Soon
enough, people will be using it without really understanding its results.

Many DNS experts here have told you that this is a bad idea. I think you
should be listening to these experts' opinions.


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