[dns-operations] An simple observation

Mark Andrews marka at isc.org
Thu Sep 25 08:47:30 UTC 2014

In message <CAAObRXKo5GbesOA-wQ0K=iFCMHMgQraXQ9nEUyBnZJFwe5KUJQ at mail.gmail.com>, Davey Song writes:
> Hi everyone, I‘m recently doing a little survey on the penetration of IPv6
> in DNS system and it's latent problems.
> I find that top websites like Google, Wikipedia,Yahoo already support IPv6
> access, but its name servers are still IPv4-only. I'm wondering why? is
> there any operation consideration or risk in their IPv6 deployment?

Registrars making it difficult to add AAAA addresses.  Inertia.
CDN's not supporting IPv6 nameservers.

> Best Regards,
> Davey
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: marka at isc.org

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