[dns-operations] Dumb question: why is it that some registries limit the nameservers that can be delegated to?

Rubens Kuhl rubensk at nic.br
Fri Sep 12 12:05:52 UTC 2014

>> It was curious to see that a to-be-unnamed TLD registry, a newcomer to
>> the scene many years after the holy wars that ended up defining the
>> current RFCs, writing completely new code, mentioned that they found
>> attributes to be a better option, but decided to go with host objects
>> due to registrar support. This doesn't prove which way is better, but
>> for me it indicates that the role in the value chain can play a part in
>> which option is preferred.
> Nominet is another example along those lines: alongside the .uk namespace
> change they have switched to a more standard EPP implementation.
> http://registrars.nominet.org.uk/namespace/uk/registration-and-domain-management/registrar-systems/epp
> http://registrars.nominet.org.uk/content/what-are-differences-between-nominet-epp-and-standard-epp

Commonplace is different from standard. Both are standards, and I disagree with their naming of it. 


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