[dns-operations] Alert: Massive increase in type A6 queries.

Edward Lewis ed.lewis at neustar.biz
Wed Oct 16 15:01:36 UTC 2013

On Oct 16, 2013, at 11:43, Roy Arends wrote:

> Hi,
> Since october the 12th, 2013, starting at approximately 16:00 UTC, we see a massive increase in type A6 queries. This is not due to a single resolver, but due to several resolver exhibiting the same behaviour. We're investigating, but want to alert the TLD community while asking for help as well: If anyone has more info, it would be greatly appreciated.

For those that don't recall what an A6 is (and why it was effectively killed in Aug 2001), the A6 was thought to be an enhanced AAAA record.  The down side was that A6 records required intermediate name servers to search for parts of the IPv6 address and assemble the various fragments they'd be getting.

Perhaps someone is testing to see if A6 is a way to eat name server (cpu) resources.  That's just a shot in the dark.  And likely a poor one.

Edward Lewis             
NeuStar                    You can leave a voice message at +1-571-434-5468

There are no answers - just tradeoffs, decisions, and responses.

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