[dns-operations] DNS ANY requests / UltraDNS

Miek Gieben miek.gieben at sidn.nl
Thu Jan 10 14:18:44 UTC 2013

[ Quoting bert hubert at 15:11 on January 10 in "Re: [dns-operations] DNS ANY reques"... ]
> > do you refer if you say "the result of an ANY query is very well defined"?
> From 1034, 3.7.1:
> <any type>      matches just that type. (e.g., A, PTR).
> ..
> *               matches all RR types.
> From 1035, 3.2.3:
> *               255 A request for all records
> From 1034, 4.3.2:
>    3. Start matching down, label by label, in the zone.  The
>       matching process can terminate several ways:
> (...)
>             Otherwise, copy all RRs which match QTYPE into the
>             answer section and go to step 6.
> What do you think an 'ANY' query to an authoritative server would mean?

I still don't get it. A resolver gets the reply from a server. If the AA-bit
is set it gets all records and if the AA-bit is not set it could have
gotten a subset?

grtz Miek
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