[dns-operations] Capturing Traffic

WBrown at e1b.org WBrown at e1b.org
Mon Feb 25 20:11:22 UTC 2013

> From: "Carlos M. Martinez" <carlosm3011 at gmail.com>
> That said, there is something to be said for easy-to-remember,
> easy-to-type, DNS addresses. Why not write an I-D asking IANA for a
> couple of very easy addresses that we can all agree to locally anycast ?

I'm not a guru on much of the consumer equipment, but what I have seen 
allows you to use whatever DNS settings are pushed out by the ISP as part 
of DHCP.  Just leave that box ticked and you get the ISP's idea of the 
proper DNS settings.

But the original message was about a large customer, so they probably 
aren't dealing w/ a Linksys or DLink or equivalent home equipment. Without 
more details, we just guessing.

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