[dns-operations] Call for Participation -- ICANN DNSSEC Workshop 22 June 2011

Russ Mundy mundy at sparta.com
Wed Apr 13 16:47:44 UTC 2011

The program committee for the ICANN DNSSEC Workshop is seeking inputs for the next meeting in Singapore and hope there are folks here that might want to contribute.  

Russ Mundy


Subject: Call for Participation -- ICANN DNSSEC Workshop 22 June 2011
Reply to: dnssec-singapore at shinkuro.com

The DNSSEC Deployment Initiative, in cooperation with the ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC), is planning a DNSSEC Workshop at the ICANN meeting in Singapore on 22 June 2011.  The DNSSEC Workshop has been a part of ICANN meetings for several years and has provided a forum for both experienced and new people to meet, present and discuss current and future DNSSEC deployments.  For reference, the most recent session was held at the ICANN Silicon Valley meeting in San Francisco on 16 March 2011. The presentations and transcripts of the presentations are available at http://svsf40.icann.org/node/22163.

We are seeking presentations on the following topics:
	• Early experience on the validation side
	• Experience and plans from around the region
	• Emergence of applications on top of DNSSEC

Also, we ask participants to consider addressing the following questions as they may apply to the topics:
	• How widely deployed is DNSSEC?
	• How is the global nameserver chain responding to DNSSEC queries?
	• What are the major problems we've seen so far in the wild?
	• What unexpected effects are we seeing?
	• Are we seeing unusual workarounds or configurations as a result of DNSSEC traffic?
	• Knowing what we now know, would we change anything?
	• DNSSEC related outages – what have we learned (Sweden, UK, France…) and how did CERT/responder-community handle recovery? 

In addition, we welcome suggestions for additional topics.  If you are interested in participating, please send a brief (1-2 sentence) description of your proposed presentation.  Here are the relevant deadlines:

22 April — Deadline to submit brief description of presentation from interested participants
6 May — Deadline to submit presentation slides
9 May — Program posted on ICANN meeting website

Please respond no later than 22 April as indicated above.   We hope that you can join us.  Please send your reply to: dnssec-singapore at shinkuro.com.

Thank you,

Program Committee for the DNSSEC Workshop:
Steve Crocker and Russ Mundy, Co-Chairs, DNSSEC Deployment Initiative
Simon McCalla, Director of IT, Nominet UK
Julie Hedlund, ICANN

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