[dns-operations] Please contribute data to OARC!

Phil Regnauld regnauld at nsrc.org
Tue Feb 2 13:50:39 UTC 2010

Matt Larson (mlarson) writes:
> OARC has a lightweight data sharing agreement to make it easy for
> non-members to share data.  It's one page long and understandable by
> non-lawyers; please see
> https://www.dns-oarc.net/files/agreements/OARC-proprietary-data.pdf.

	I concur (from abovementioned agreement):

"All data will be stored and secured on-site at one of OARC's collocation
facilities. Remote access to Participant's stored data by Participant's
authorized representative will be arranged using data encryption."
	Indeed, the data that Bert has to offer would be really interesting to look

	The possibility that non-availability of an anycast server "somewhere"
	could trigger such a backlash of repeated queries, and take down a
	recursive instance is disturbing, and not something I've heard of before.

	It would be great to be able to confirm this, and we could all learn
	from the results here, without having to know anything about the
	specifics of the submitted data.

> So please consider sharing your interesting DNS operational data with

	Hear, hear!


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