[dns-operations] New subscribers

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz
Fri Dec 17 14:32:44 UTC 2010

At 15:01 -0500 12/16/10, Wayne MacLaurin wrote:
>You might be the first person I've seen introduce themselves!  Thank 
>you for that.

It used to be more common, back in the day.

Ed Lewis, Neustar.  "Involved" with our registry (bunch of TLDs) and 
now increasingly with our managed DNS services (internally distinct 
functions).  Started working at NASA in the days of FIX-East, and 
somehow ended up 2010 still employed.

Not a lurker, more like a list bully.  These days I spend less and 
less time on email and much less time on airplanes.  To quote Jimmy 
Buffet in "He went to Paris" this is where I sit on the DNS arc:

Writing his memoirs, losing his hearing
And he don't care what most people say

Still, I'm not as old as Olafur Gudmundsson.
Edward Lewis             
NeuStar                    You can leave a voice message at +1-571-434-5468

In going through my family medical history I recently realized I was
born with congenital amnesia.  I couldn't even remember my name at birth.

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