[dns-operations] After Google Mail, Google Docs, Google Wave... Google DNS

Otmar Lendl ol at bofh.priv.at
Sat Dec 5 12:47:29 UTC 2009

Chris Adams wrote:
> This is going to throw a wrench into CDNs like Akamai that use the IP of
> the requesting DNS server to determine where to direct your request:

That effect might become less pronounced once Google deploys their DNS
service in a massive anycast infrastructure. Akamai will then see the
request coming from at least the same region as where the end-user is.

Actually, the best move Akamai could do is start a rival DNS resolving
infrastructure. If they use anycasted recursors at each of their CDN nodes,
that would really simplify their CDN algorithm as the node that gets the
DNS request is very likely to be the optimal one for the actual content
delivery, too.

-=-  Otmar Lendl  --  ol at bofh.priv.at  --  http://lendl.priv.at/  -=-

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