[dns-operations] After Google Mail, Google Docs, Google Wave... Google DNS

Paul Vixie vixie at isc.org
Sat Dec 5 06:32:45 UTC 2009

(duane, this is about protocol assumptions, not about google per se.)

> From: Noel Butler <noel.butler at ausics.net>
> Date: Sat, 05 Dec 2009 11:01:01 +1000
> > Using *any* external DNS recursive service limits the effectiveness of
> > GeoIP when used by authoritative servers, at least without a DNS
> > equivalent to HTTP's X-Forwarded-For.
> Correct, but does google warn you of things like this? 

i don't know but i hope not.  isp's and enterprises have been anycasting
and/or centralizing their internal recursive dns servers for decades now.
anyone who assumes similarity of network locale or geo locale between the
dns forwarder and the later tcp initiator is being (statistically) silly.
google has no responsibility to warn anybody that such assumptions are
silly.  CDN's probably do bear some responsibility in that area, but:

> bet not, and since when have you known any company to point out the cons
> of using their products...

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