[dns-operations] Delegation checking (was: Re: Some DNSSEC trivia)

Patrik Fältström patrik at frobbit.se
Wed Jan 9 07:42:49 UTC 2008

On 9 jan 2008, at 01.22, Mark Andrews wrote:

> 	These are the sorts of checks I'd like to see.  Note this
> 	is for a IPv4 nameserver.  Adjust as appropriate for a IPv6
> 	nameserver.

These are the checkes done at for example my service http:// 
dnscheck.se/ (I do not have IPv6 connectivity so the IPv6 transport  
checks are not done) plus I do some tests for the email address in the  
SOA, and how many AS numbers the authoritative servers are in.

See for example http://dnscheck.se/log.pl?domain=isc.org&date=last

But, back to what I have found the harder question during the years,  
and that is what should happen if the tests fail? Should the  
delegation be withdrawn?


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