[dns-operations] caches only resetting TTL? was Re: Where to find "DNS resolution path corruption"?

Roy Arends roy at dnss.ec
Tue Feb 26 21:46:08 UTC 2008

On Feb 26, 2008, at 3:53 PM, Antoin Verschuren wrote:

> Well, it is offcource not RFC compliant to run authoritative for a  
> zone that is not delegated to you.

There is no normative RFC that specs that you must/should not run a  
zone that is not delegated to you.

> So if people didn't do this, there is nothing wrong with the  
> resolvers behaviour.
> The only thing you can argue about is whether a resolver should take  
> into account that the world isn't perfect.

I think that resolvers should do 'the right thing' regardless of  
misconfigurations outside the resolution path.


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