[dns-operations] best way to reprime root-hints?

Joe Abley jabley at ca.afilias.info
Tue Feb 5 00:45:45 UTC 2008

On 4-Feb-2008, at 19:33, David Conrad wrote:

>> Why hope when you can just try it? There are only 13 to try :-)
> This assumes the name servers running on all instances are the  
> same.  Are they?

Well, true. What I failed to prove was that there was a single  
instance of one of the root servers that didn't support EDNS0 that was  
easy to find, for me, from here. I appreciate that that's not the  
question I asked myself.

> (Note that I assume that all instances on all servers support EDNS0).


> P.S. I think setting the limit arbitrarily to 1200 is likely a  
> mistake.  Someday, not only will we have 13 AAAAs and 13 As, but we  
> may also have DNSSEC cruft.  Not sure all of that will fit in 1200...

Since we don't have additional cruft today, it seemed like a  
reasonable number to pick out of the air for the sole purpose of an  
example :-)


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