[dns-operations] delegation-only: How useful?

Joe Abley jabley at ca.afilias.info
Mon Aug 25 18:51:38 UTC 2008

On 20 Aug 2008, at 03:28, Florian Weimer wrote:

> Even .COM and .NET are by no means delegation-only.


> Several ccTLDs which are not listed in ISC's root-delegation-only
> exclude list have _nicname._tcp/IN/SRV entries to help WHOIS clients.

I had not heard of that. That's fun.

(Some of those records seem to have problems, unless I'm confused; see  
AF, GR, VG below. Although as people might have noticed by now I am a  
fan of the kind of signalling that I might infer about AF and GR :-)

A draft codifying the use of _nicname._tcp.${zone} SRV records for  
this purpose seems like it might be quick, easy and useful.


[monster:~]% for n in $(awk '/^[A-Z]/ { print $1; }' /usr/share/misc/ 
for> do
for> dig _nicname._tcp.${n} SRV | grep -q 'ANSWER: 0' || \
for> ( echo -n "${n}: "; dig _nicname._tcp.${n} SRV +short )
for> done
AF: 0 0 0 .
AU: 0 0 43 whois.ausregistry.com.au.
AT: 10 0 43 whois.nic.at.
BG: 0 0 43 whois.register.bg.
CL: 10 0 43 whois.nic.cl.
DK: 0 0 43 whois.dk-hostmaster.dk.
FR: 0 0 43 whois.nic.fr.
DE: 0 0 43 whois.denic.de.
GR: 0 0 0 .
HU: 0 0 43 whois.nic.hu.
IS: 0 0 43 whois.isnic.is.
IE: 10 0 43 whois.domainregistry.ie.
JE: 0 0 43 whois.channelisles.net.
LA: 0 0 43 whois.nic.la.
LI: 0 1 43 whois.nic.ch.
LU: 0 0 43 whois.dns.lu.
MX: 0 0 43 whois.nic.mx.
NL: 0 0 43 whois.domain-registry.nl.
NO: 0 0 43 whois.norid.no.
RE: 0 0 43 whois.nic.fr.
SI: 10 0 43 whois.arnes.si.
SE: 0 0 43 whois.nic-se.se.
CH: 0 1 43 whois.nic.ch.
US: 0 0 43 whois.nic.us.
VG: pjn.qsrch.net.

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