[dns-operations] Statistics from Austria, updated 2008/08/18

Michael Monnerie michael.monnerie at is.it-management.at
Tue Aug 19 11:26:53 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 19 August 2008 Otmar Lendl wrote:
> http://cert.at/static/cert.at-0802-DNS-patchanalysis-aug18.pdf

Not too bad. It's not always easy to upgrade, it took us nearly 2 weeks 
to fully install and test the new DNS, as we took the chance to replace 
them with virtualized servers. Others might be in the same position, 
with holidays making staff be away....

mfg zmi
// Michael Monnerie, Ing.BSc    -----      http://it-management.at
// Tel: 0660 / 415 65 31                      .network.your.ideas.
// PGP Key:         "curl -s http://zmi.at/zmi.asc | gpg --import"
// Fingerprint: AC19 F9D5 36ED CD8A EF38  500E CE14 91F7 1C12 09B4
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net                   Key-ID: 1C1209B4

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