[dns-operations] D9.INFO.AFILIAS-NST.ORG

Matt Larson mlarson at verisign.com
Mon Apr 21 15:49:10 UTC 2008

On Sun, 20 Apr 2008, Randy Bush wrote:
> > requests to change the root zone
> > 
> > - are authenticated by the IANA
> > - trigger technical checks by the IANA
> > - trigger administrative checks by the US DoC
> > - trigger technical checks by Verisign
> > - result in changes to the root zone by Verisign
> i wonder what technical checks the doc and verisign could do that iana
> would not already have done.

The VeriSign technical checks mostly overlap with IANA's list.  It's
the root zone and the stakes are high, so it doesn't hurt for two
parties to make the same checks to ensure that everything's fine.


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