[dns-operations] Links for SP DNS Admins - What are your "best of" list?

Barry Greene (bgreene) bgreene at cisco.com
Thu Feb 22 19:26:56 UTC 2007

Hello Everyone,

I'm working with many of the SPs in Asia right now. I'm noticing many
with really weak DNS infrastructure (i.e. two servers covering
everything doing both the master, slave, internal resolving, and
external resolving - with both on the same central subnet). The problem
is clue, they don't know where to start to help them beef up the

So I'm going to build a list of "getting started" pointers to FAQs,
Mailing list, presos, papers, VODs, etc. 

Q. Can people send over their "best of" references that you think ever
DNS Admin at an SP should be referencing, reading, doing?

I'll pull it all together and send it up to OARC's web page admin so we
can post it there for everyone's reference.



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