[dns-operations] What is the most pressing need for DNS these days?

Rick Wesson wessorh at ar.com
Fri Jul 7 16:47:34 UTC 2006

I would, if I could keep my registrar. I've even got some experience.


John S. Quarterman wrote:
> Anyone interested in running for the ICANN board?
>  http://www.icann.org/committees/nom-comm/formal-call-2006.html
> A few board members thinking differently could possibly change some things.
> -jsq
>> Edward Lewis wrote:
>>> DNAME is one proposed tool to 'solve' internationalized domain names 
>>> (IDN).  Not a firm decision, but in preparation the defining document 
>>> of DNAME (RFC 2672) has holes and needs to be fixed.
>>> The comment that the IETF ought to stick to the important stuff first 
>>> stuck with me.  So I want to ask, in an operational setting, what is 
>>> the important work needed for DNS?
>>> Is DNSSEC more or less important than progress on IDN, for example? 
>> ISTM that lack of progress on IDN is one of the major political
>> footballs commonly booted around as being a reason why ICANN is not
>> demonstrating adequate stewardship of the DNS internationally, at least
>> amongst non-ASCII countries (though not particularly myself).
>> Lack of trust in ICANN can also be seen as one obstacle to getting the
>> root signed. So possibly it would help the DNSSEC efforts to remove the
>> IDN goal-block.
>> OTOH, the parties preventing ICANN from signing the root may well be
>> different from those for whom IDN is an issue, nor is it guaranteed that
>>  solving the IDN issue will get the root signed - it is probably
>> necessary but unlikely to be sufficient.
>> More significantly, deploying IDN without improved underlying security
>> is likely to create a whole bunch of issues.
>> I guess the real question is where are the big wins here - which work
>> items can be tackled early with least resource expenditure that will
>> enable other priority items both technical and political ?
>> Keith
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