[dns-operations] DNS deluge for x.p.ctrc.cc

Paul Vixie paul at vix.com
Tue Feb 28 02:11:54 UTC 2006

# > bgp or http feed to shun these servers?  i'm afraid if at least a few  
# > sufficiently large providers (or root-ops, or tlds), it won't be  
# > effective anyway.
# Well, one factor in the TLD world is that at least the gTLDs are
# subject to ICANN policies.  So if the operations community is able to
# convince ICANN that shunning is the best policy for the Net, then the
# gTLDs may have to do this.

that's on my un-hidden agenda.  icann won't approve it without some kind of
consensus from the technical community, which had no forum to discuss it,
thus the creation of this mailing list.

# I think Paul Vixie's "I hope it sounds irresponsible when I say it like
# that" presentation of the arguments on both sides does a good job of
# outlining what a Hobson's choice this is.)

me too.

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