[dsc] DSC+Grafana crash course 2.0 on-site @ OARC 40 - Are you interested?

Jerry Lundström jerry at dns-oarc.net
Thu Dec 8 16:40:15 UTC 2022

Hi all,

I'm looking at running an on-site DSC+Grafana crash course (2.0) the day 
before OARC 40 in Atlanta on Wednesday 15th Feb after lunch.

This will be a minimum 2 hour session where we will play around with 
Grafana using DSC data coming from Check My DNS to learn how to create 
graphs like:


NOTE: This is not training, it's just me sharing what I've learned about 
Grafana and hopefully you can share a thing or two also!

I need to know how many people that would be interested in order to get 
the right size room etc.  Please fill in this doodle if you want to join:


Registration for this session will come later and I will make sure to 
also send it to everyone that has signed up on the doodle.

If you want to sponsor this session then please reach out to me 😄


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