[dsc] bug(?) in upload-rsync.sh

Scott Rose scottr at nist.gov
Wed Sep 12 18:29:20 UTC 2007

I'm using the 200706121022 build of dsc and using rsync to transfer the 
xml files from the collector to the presenter (probably the only one 
doing this :)

Anyway, the script had a few minor bugs I had to correct.  I don't know 
if this is already corrected or not.  The diff:

diff upload-rsync.sh cron/upload-rsync.sh
< cd $PREFIX/var/run/$NODE/upload/$DEST
 > cd $PREFIX/run/$NODE/upload/$DEST
< md5 $k > MD5s
 > md5 -r $k > MD5s

I'm using the md5sum 5.97 for the md5, which doesn't have a -r option, 
so just dropping that seems to work.  Same with adding "/var" to after 

Anyway, after those fixes, it's working as advertised. I did a very 
quick search in the archives and didn't see this mentioned.

Scott Rose            Computer Scientist
ph: +1 301-975-8439
scott.rose at nist.gov


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