[dsc] Trouble Viewing dsc Graphs

warno warno at okezone.com
Wed Jun 27 10:51:22 UTC 2007


Dear all,


Im in a newbie with perl coding dan xml parser. Im running dsc on linux
platform and the xml files have been uploading successfully to the remote


But I just cant see the graph even though the xml file have been created for
one days. With the dsc-grapher.pl, I can only see the left menu and "No Data
To Display At This Time" at the right panel.


At presenter, the xml files is at /usr/local/dsc/data/Server/ns2.


My dsc-grapher.cfg :


server Server ns2

trace_windows 1hour 4hour 1day 1week

accum_windows 1day 2days 3days 1week

domain_list all_okezone com

valid_domains  server all_okezone



Please help and point any misconfiguration.


Thank you,




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