<div dir="ltr">hi,<div> if a recursor ask a tld server for A records of a domain name, such as a.test.tld, the .tld server return a nxdomain response to the recursor. In this case, the recusor does not know whether there are other domain names related to test.tld, like b.a.test.tld, <a href="http://b.test.cn">b.test.cn</a> and <a href="http://c.b.test.cn">c.b.test.cn</a>, so that next time it should query the tld again when it receives queries for such domain names. Consequencely, If a ddos flood of random third-level domain names hits the recusors, the flood also be redirected to the the tld the domain names belong to.</div>
<div> I want to know whether there other types of data except delegation data. If there are only delegation data in tld some servers , the recursors should send less unnessary queries to tld servers when they receive a large of queries for a random third-level domain names. As a result, the tld servers escape from the disasters.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Liu Minxing</div><div>cnnic</div></div>