[dns-operations] [Ssh] Re: Is anyone actually using SSHFP records?

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Wed Feb 26 22:55:32 UTC 2025

>> As part of that, I wanted to know if there was any *existing* use of
>> the SSHFP record for publishing SSH credentials and if so whether it
>> was limited to the server.
> AFAIK there is a relatively small but passionate community of users.

There's an organization I'm involved with (I'm not naming them because
I don't know whether they'd mind) which uses them.  I have read access
to their DNS zone files; a quick grep makes me think they have about
122 SSHFP records in place.  Here's a count of <alg,fptype> pairs from
them (counts in the first column; I assume the second column is alg and
the third is fptype, but that's inference on my part):

     21  1 1
     15  1 2
     16  2 1
     10  2 2
     16  3 1
     16  3 2
     14  4 1
     14  4 2

I suspect these are purely server-side, but that is just a suspicion.

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