[dns-operations] Sierra Leone (.sl) TLD
John Kristoff
jtk at dataplane.org
Sun Feb 23 17:39:36 UTC 2025
On Sun, 23 Feb 2025 14:25:02 +0200
Meir Kraushar via dns-operations <dns-operations at dns-oarc.net> wrote:
> If anyone knows someone there who can fix this?
ANY reflections with .sl have been going on for years now. The name
servers operate appear to be operating out of OVH (AS 16276) and
Kamatera (AS 204548), perhaps someone on list is from those nets or
knows someone there that might be able to help?
There are a few other names that are often used for IN ANY reflections.
gov names are popular for example. It might be surprising to learn
that the number of common, unique and unsolicited name/type queries
is actually not that large. We keep a high-level view of what we see
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