[dns-operations] Strange things at C root name server

Bill Woodcock woody at pch.net
Wed May 22 06:31:01 UTC 2024

Yep, Alarig and Michael, sorry, did that Whois as I was on my way to bed.  Thanks for the correction. 

> On May 22, 2024, at 6:39 AM, Michael Sinatra <michael at brokendns.net> wrote:
>> On 5/21/24 13:38, Elmar K. Bins wrote:
>> Re Stéphane,
>> bortzmeyer at nic.fr (Stephane Bortzmeyer) wrote:
>>> First, c.root-servers.net lags behind. It is at serial 2024051801
>>> while all other root name servers are at 2024052101.
>> the SOA part is discouraging, I'm sure their monitoring has picked that up, so
>> for some reason they might be unable to act.
>>> Second, c.root-servers.org (.org, the Web server) does not reply and
>>> its IP address is allocated to Orange Ivory Coast (which started to
>>> announce this prefix four days ago).
>> I can't find it allocated or assigned to Orange; I only see the /8 in
>> ARIN's records. Where did you see the allocation?
> Just a reminder to folks: If you're querying ARIN's whois directly, either via the BSD/MacOS 'whois -a' or 'whois -h whois.arin.net' CLI tool, or the linuxish tool, which allows for the latter command only, you're only going to see the allocation from ARIN and not the downstream rwhois server at Cogent, which shows their further delegations.  This is also true if you use ARIN's web (or presumably REST) interfaces.
> Simply using 'whois' at the CLI of either the *BSD/MacOS tool or the tool generally available for Linuxes will traverse the full rwhois chain and show the reassignment to Orange Cote d'Ivoire.
> Note that querying the IRR system also shows a route object with an origin AS of 29571.
> michael
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