[dns-operations] .ke - something wrong with DNSKEYs?

Ondřej Surý ondrej at sury.org
Fri Mar 1 15:27:03 UTC 2024


does anyone else see this?


dnssec debugger from Verisign also reports:

> - All Queries to mzizi.kenic.or.ke for ke/DNSKEY timed out or failed
> - x No DNSKEY records found
> - ! DS=28886/SHA-256 is published, but a corresponding DNSKEY is not

from time to time, but it's not 100% reliable, so I suspect a "load-balancer"
is in play.

And ns2ke.dns.business is not responding to any queries.

Ondřej Surý (He/Him)
ondrej at sury.org

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